Mediation and Dialogue for Polarized Conflict
Based on the CPM projects Dialogue in Ukraine, Dilemmas in Peacemaking and Communal Dialogues in Germany, this transversal research brings together different conceptual, methodical and contextual perspectives on dialogue and mediation in polarized international and intra-societal conflicts. It examines the suitability of different approaches for specific antagonistic conflict contexts, such as the ongoing war in Ukraine, develops them further in view of actual needs and limitations, and feeds the results into relevant political contexts of action.
Involved Researchers: Anna Dick, Dr. Anne Holper, Prof. Dr. Lars Kirchhoff, Dr. Tetiana Kyselova
Involved Researchers: Anna Dick, Dr. Anne Holper, Prof. Dr. Lars Kirchhoff, Dr. Tetiana Kyselova
- 5-9 Sep 22: Course "Peace Mediation & Crisis Diplomacy in Action", focusing on RUS-UKR conflict, in cooperation with the Training Academy for International Diplomats of the German Federal Foreign Office
- 12-13 Mai 22: Conference "Relevanz des Weimarer Dreiecks im Angesicht des Kriegs in der Ukraine?" in cooperation with Stiftung Genshagen and Centre Marc Bloch
- 18 Mar 22: Workshop "Peace Mediation Part II: Are There Still Prospects for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict?" at the International Parliamentary Fellowship Program of the German Bundestag
- 16 Mar 22 Keynote "Universities in the International Political Context: Roles, Conflicting Goals, Balancing Strategies" at INU Council Meeting
- 24 Jan 22: Presentation "Der Blick hinter die „rote Linie“: Ansätze für mehr Spielraum in der Konflikt-Vermittlung", Viadrina Logbuch Post
- 27 Okt 21: Online-Dialogue "Wie sehen Sie das? Ausgabe 2 - Gegeneinander - Nebeneinander - Miteinander: Wie wollen wir in unserer Doppelstadt zusammenleben?"
- 13-17 Sep 21: Course "Peace Mediation & Crisis Diplomacy in Action: Mediation and Dialogue in Polarized and Divided Societies" in cooperation with the Training Academy for International Diplomats of the German Federal Foreign Office
- 13 Apr 21: Seminar "Forget Consensus, Embrace Agonism?" at Corridors Programm with Mediation and Dialogue Research Centre, Kiev Mohyla Academy
- 24 Feb 21: Online-Dialogue "Wie sehen Sie das?", focus on situation due to Covid-19 in Frankfurt (Oder)
- 25 Aug 20: Workshop on Conflict Mediation in the Context of Diversity at Viadrinicum 2020: Transsectoral Lab: (Post-)Migration. (Dis-)Integrative Encounters
- 5 Apr 22: "Verhandeln um jeden Preis? Was Butscha für die Friedensgespräche bedeutet" Focus Online guest article by Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff
- 30 Mar 22: "War in Ukraine: Do Negotiations Stand a Chance?" Collaborative Non-Paper with Initiative Mediation Support Deutschland. German Version here.
- 11 Mar 22: "Goldene Brücken", Interview with Anne Holper at Publik-Forum
- 2 Mar 22: "Ein Despot in der Sackgasse - kann der Westen Putin eine Friedenstür öffnen?", Focus Online interview with Lars Kirchhoff
- 23 Feb 22: "Finden Putin und die Nato den Ukraine-Ausweg?" interview with Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff
- 9 Jun 22: "Naher Osten, ferner Frieden? Ein mediationsmethodischer Blick auf den Nahost-Konflikt" Viadrina Logbuch article by Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff
- Holper/Kyselova (2020): Inclusion Dilemmas in Peacebuilding and Dialogues in Ukraine.
- Kraus (now Holper)/Kyselova (2018): Doing Action Research on Dialogues in Ukraine.
- Kyselova/Kraus/Kirchhoff/von Dobeneck (2017): Track III Dialogues in Ukraine: Full Research Report. Center for Peace Mediation/Kiev-Mohyla Academy
- Kerber/Kraus (ed.) (2017): Dialogue in Odessa, Ukraine. Findings and suggestions based on a series of interviews with local dialogue actors, carried out in Odessa in 2015. Center for Peace Mediation