The Center focuses on a limited number of activities each year, addressing fundamental research questions, ongoing conflicts and peace processes, political and institutional developments or current debates in the peace mediation community. The activities are often interlinked with each other, for instance through the joint focus on a specific conflict or by using insights from Facilitation & Support or Policy & Strategy activities for Research & Analysis and vice versa. Formats and methods of activities are often combined in a flexible mixture.
Beyond these 4 pillars, the Center contributes to and organizes various formats. The following is a selection of further activities. Moreover, the Center has been involved in various activities relating to the Russia-Ukraine conflict since 2014 and maintains close contact with academics as well as political and practical actors involved in the conflict.
- Interview with Anne Holper "Rote Linien in der Politik: Sinnvoll oder kontraproduktiv?" in DW
- Position paper on "Military Support AND Diplomacy – and what the Swiss ‘Peace Summit’ can achieve" (German & English version) in cooperation with CSSP and inmedio after an event jointly organized with the Ukrainian Community of Dialogue Practitioners (CoP)
- Interview with ambassador Steffen Seibert on "Zeitenwende" & mediation
- Input to panel discussion "From peace order to conflict order? Prospects for a (new) European security structure" at Bensberger Gespräche of the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Center for Innere Führung of the Bundeswehr
- Peace Mediation Round Table Alternatives to Afghanistan - Germany's potential as a mediator
- Input to panel discussion "Dilemmas in conflict mediation: methodological tools using examples from the Near and Middle East" at the German Orient Institute Berlin
- "Goals and limits of cooperation with China" at conference on "Cultural cooperation with China: opportunities, challenges, red lines?" of the Mercator Foundation and ifa
- Input to panel discussion „How crisis-competent is our society in the face of war, climate catastrophe and authoritarianism?" of RAA Brandenburg and MTB Trebbin in Potsdam
- Young Professionals Seminar "Interministerial engagement in fragile states", in cooperation with FU Berlin, IFSH Hamburg & BICC
- „Peace & security: How can dialog and toughness be brought together?”, Expert Workshop with members of parliament, representatives of Foreign Ministry and IFSH in cooperation with Berghof Foundation at Reichstag Club
- Weiße Nächte ohne Grenzen I: The Role and the Limits of Dialogue in Polarized Conflict, Keynote and Discussion with Tetiana Kyselova (Kiew Mohyla Akademie)
- Conference "Relevance of the Weimar Triangle in the face of the war in Ukraine?" in cooperation with Stiftung Genshagen und Centre Marc Bloch)
- Forum of European (Twin) Cities "Ambivalences of transformation - How do people and societies grow through cross-border changes and disruptions?"
- Keynote Universities in the International Political Context: Roles, Conflicting Goals, Balancing Strategies at INU Council Meeting
- B/orders in Motion Research Factory „This far and no further? The dilemma of the 'red line' in peace mediation“
- Online panel "Science Diplomacy. Conflicting goals and opportunities for science stakeholders using the example of Belarus"
- Conference "30 years of the Weimar Triangle: Re-developing the joint creative power of Germany, France and Poland for Europe“ in cooperation of the Viadrina with the Centre Marc Bloch and the Genshagen Foundation
- Workshop "Dilemmas in Mediation Processes" at swisspeace Summer School: Ukraine - Opportunities and Challenges for Dialogue
- Workshop "Dilemmata in politischen Krisen und Konflikten: Eine Navigationshilfe" at German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies Conference 2021
- Seminar "Forget Consensus, Embrace Agonism?" at Corridors Programm with Mediation and Dialogue Research Centre, Kiev Mohyla Academy
- Paper Presentation "This far and no further?" Dynamics of Red Lines in Peacemaking at Swiss Political Science Association Conference 2021
- Online Peaceland Talk "Inclusion Dilemmas in Peacebuilding & Dialogue in Ukraine", Mediation & Dialogue Research Center, Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Ukraine
- Contribution to European Science Diplomacy Online Conference
- Capacity Building "Conflict Management and Anti-Corruption Training for Afghan Civil Society Leaders"