Activities in the Ukraine-Russia Context
- 31 May 24: Position paper on "Military Support AND Diplomacy – and what the Swiss ‘Peace Summit’ can achieve" (German & English version) in cooperation with CSSP and inmedio after an event jointly organized with the Ukrainian Community of Dialogue Practitioners (CoP)
- 5-10 Sep 22: Workshop on the Russia-Ukraine war "Peace Mediation & Crisis Diplomacy in Action: Translating the New Realism into Practice: Approaches & Instruments for a Possible Future Co-Existence in the OSCE Region" in cooperation with the Training Academy for International Diplomats of the German Federal Foreign Office
- 26 Jun 22: „Der innere Putin-Widerspruch der Deutschen und wie wir jetzt mit Russland reden sollten“; Guest article by Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff in Focus Online
- 19 May 22: „Frieden & Sicherheit: Wie lassen sich Dialog & Härte zusammenbringen?“; Expert Workshop with MdBs, representatives of Foreign Ministry and IFSH in cooperation with Berghof Foundation at Reichstag Club
- 18 May 22: Weiße Nächte ohne Grenzen I: The Role and the Limits of Dialogue in Polarized Conflict, Keynote and Discussion with Tetiana Kyselova (Kiew Mohyla Akademie).
- 12 May 22: „Konfliktexperten: Wer Frieden will, sollte bei Putin auf entscheidenden Moment warten“; Guest article by Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff in Focus Online
- 11 May 22: „Friedensstrategien: Putin eine neue Arena anbieten“ Anne Holper in an interview with ARD morning show
- 5 Apr 22: "Verhandeln um jeden Preis? Was Butscha für die Friedensgespräche bedeutet“; Guest article by Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff in Focus Online
- Mar 22: Dr. Tetiana Kyselova becoming a Viadrina-Fellow and participating in the project „Mediation and Dialogue for Polarized Conflict“.
- 30 Mar 22: „War in Ukraine: Do Negotiations Stand a Chance?“; Collaborative Non-Paper with Initiative Mediation Support Deutschland. German Version here.
- 18 Mar 22: Workshop „Peace Mediation Part II: Are There Still Prospects for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict?“ at the International Parliamentary Fellowship Program of the German Bundestag
- 11 Mar 22: „Goldene Brücken“; Anne Holper in an interview with Publik-Forum
- 2 Mar 22: „Ein Despot in der Sackgasse - kann der Westen Putin eine Friedenstür öffnen?“; Lars Kirchhoff in an interview with Focus Online
- 1 Mar 22: „Verhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine“; Anne Holper in an interview with Berliner Rundfunk
- 23 Feb 22: „Finden Putin und die Nato den Ukraine-Ausweg?“; Anne Holper and Lars Kirchhoff in an interview with
- 24 Jan 22: "Der Blick hinter die „rote Linie“: Ansätze für mehr Spielraum in der Konflikt-Vermittlung“; Blog Post on Anne Holper's Vortrag in Viadrina Logbuch
- Since 2022: Research Project „Mediation and Dialog for Polarized Conflicts“
- Since 2018: Research Project Tough Choices: Dilemmas and Decisions in Peacemaking
- 2016-17: Research Project Challenges and Trends in Track III Dialogues in Ukraine
- 2015: Support for dialog actors in Odessa, The Common House: Supporting and Broadening Dialogue Processes in Odessa, Ukraine